“Like the prancing steed that leaps forward, the jiva also traverses near and far. Like those who doff and don one garment and another, the jiva, too, moves from one body to another. ”
Hinduism teaches the concept of reincarnation, which is the continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. We are more than just a physical body; we are an immortal soul that never dies. Instead, it repeatedly takes on a new physical body to be born again and again until all its desires are fulfilled and karmas resolved. The soul is freed from reincarnation after following dharma for many lifetimes, attaining full maturity in wisdom and deep understanding of the real purpose of life, which is love, selfless service, devotion, and the realization of God, leading to enlightenment and liberation.
Belief in karma and reincarnation gives hope, security, and confidence in oneself, reminding us that life's good and bad experiences serve as lessons, and we will have opportunities in future lives, if not in this one, to correct, learn and transform. Hence, Hinduism emphasizes the importance of following your dharma, living ethically and compassionately, practicing tolerance, resolving conflicts nonviolently, cultivating a pious character – to soften your karmas and get a better birth next life.
Hindu scriptures, the Vedas, teach that the soul always is one with God but is clouded by layers of ego, anger, greed, selfishness, hatred, and other lower tendencies. Through the processes of karma and reincarnation, these layers are gradually removed over many lifetimes, allowing the soul to evolve from ignorance to a state of love, bliss, goodness, wisdom and eventually experience the Truth within.
After death, we leave our physical body and progress in more refined, unseen inner worlds, where our evolution continues until we are ready to return to earthly life. Our intentions, actions, and choices in prior lifetimes shape the circumstances and experiences we face in the following ones. Each soul, in its journey of reincarnation and evolution, chooses a family that provides the most suitable environment for its next phase of development and learning.
One needs to recognize that it is often immature, younger souls, with less understanding, who struggle to live in harmony with others and focus mostly on self-needs, overreact and are impulsive. However, the understanding that everyone is on a journey, learning and growing towards the same spiritual end goal, gives us clarity and tolerance to accept souls, young or mature, going through different conditions and stages of development.