Learning from Satguru
Who is a satguru? A satguru is a God-realized, illumined master who possesses ultimate knowledge and understanding. He knows it all! The term satguru comes from the Sanskrit words ‘Sat’ (meaning truth) and ‘Guru’ (meaning teacher or spiritual guide). Hence, satguru refers to ‘true guru’ or ‘true spiritual teacher’.
As explained in What is Hinduism?, satguru is the one who knows the philosophy, who knows the inner workings of the temple, and who in himself is the philosopher and the temple.
My satguru, Bodhinatha Veylanswami of Kauai’s Hindu Monastery, once said, “Anyone hoping to climb Mount Everest would be wise to have a Sherpa by his side, a guide who has been where you want to go. Similarly, as we walk the spiritual path, we should not be without a satguru, an enlightened master who knows the truth and can take us there.”
“Without a satguru, all philosophy, knowledge and mantras are fruitless. Him alone the Gods praise who is the satguru, keeping active what is handed down to him by tradition. Therefore one should seek with all effort to obtain a preceptor of the unbroken tradition, born of Supreme Siva. ”
A satguru is a pure, mature soul, always an unmarried renunciate, who is revered and worshiped as the embodiment of God, because he is one with God, he has realized God. Satguru is the source of grace and liberation. Satguru, an enlightened master, radiates a powerful aura and emanates a strong spiritual vibration, which devotees perceive as ‘darshan’. Hindus travel great distances to be with their satguru and receive his darshan.
A satguru plays many roles - he acts as a spiritual guide, teacher, friend, and companion to the devotee. The philosophies and talks by satguru all serve as guidance, offering a way to keep the family life strong, remain aligned with one's dharma, gain positive karma and grow spiritually. However, satguru’s darshan alone has the power to transform the devotee, providing clarity about the purpose of life and dispelling fear and ignorance.
Satguru’s grace uplifts, stabilizes, and supports the devotee on their spiritual journey, leading them on the path to self-realization and enlightenment. Through his spiritual wisdom, satguru knows where an individual stands on their spiritual path and understands the next step they must take. Satguru provides psychic protection and unwavering confidence. Satguru helps the devotee bear his karma, calms the mind, enhances the ability to meditate, and overcome lower qualities like anger, grief and greed. Worshiping satguru cultivates love, humility, and diminishes ego. Satguru emphasizes the value of serving others selflessly. Selfless service brings a sense of happiness and fulfillment, and the merit it generates grows rapidly.
The importance of having a satguru is emphasized in Hindu scriptures and teachings. Being in the presence of an awakened soul, with full devotion and openness, and learning life lessons from him serves as a powerful tool for life. Satguru can help strengthen our values, shape our character, and deepen our commitment. Together, these lead us to a happy and purposeful life.